Me and my Turkish family I am both Dutch as Turkish, but I don’t know a lot about my Turkish side. Sometimes I catch myself, in certain situations, feeling little or not Turkish at all. I wish I could feel more connected with my Turkish roots, something that is important to me but seems to disappear more and more with time. A lot of my summer holidays as a child consisted of a 6-8 week visit to my family in Turkey. Until I became 14, me, my parents and my brother went to Tarsus every year. Tarsus is a small city in the east of Turkey, where my mom’s whole family lives. After my parents got divorced, circumstances made it difficult to keep in touch with each other, and much has been neglected as a result. It often feels like a forgotten part of me, a part that only existed in my memories. Something that fades away over the years. The memories I have of them are memories I got as a child. The things I did there back then were things I did as a child. The memor...